MDO 2013 :)

The number of emails I sent.
The amount of tears I shed.
The amount of stress I went through
The amount of meals I skipped.
The number of times I wanted to just walk away.

But I'm glad I didn't. Because now, 

I get to count the number of hidden smiles I had watching my team trying to cheer each other up.
I get to count the number of times they told me to keep calm and trust them.
I get to count the number of times they told me not to worry, despite them being so worried themselves.
I get to count the number of "thank you for such a great tournament"
I get to count the number of people who vowed to come back next year.

There's so much more than just a debate tournament.

There is a family I never knew I could be close to.
There is pride and satisfaction that a group of people who knew close to nothing about debate ran the biggest tournament in the country.
There is true friendship, where they can see beyond the smile you try to put on your face.
There is relief that my worst nightmares are replaced with the most beautiful memories.
There was encouragement from so many people, when I really did not believe in myself anymore. 

Let me write certain things here that I never ever want to forget.

The bad :
1) When they made my boy cry. That hurt so bad. That just tore at my heart into a million pieces.
2) When they scolded my runners. That was pretty maddening too.
3) When adjs go missing.
4) When chairs and panelists are late.
5) When debaters are late.

I will remember the bad, because i need to remember how much my team went through. How much unnecessary pressure certain parties had to add onto our plate. I was just so disappointed as to how easily they shoved our faults into the spotlight. I was disappointed that supporting us wasn't their main priority. I was most disappointed that the didn't trust us enough to run it ourselves. 

But more importantly, i want to forever remember the good :)

The good :
1) "ok dun wori.. all cun.. keep calm and trust me" ~Shiva
2) " keep calm harpreet is here. don't wory"
3) vigness a.k.a baby calling me to report that all is well at the airport :)
4) Numerous debaters asking me if everything is okay, telling me that it's great, that it would be over soon.
5) Looking good during the tournament and torturing my feet at the same time.
6) walkie talkies! :)
7) The standing ovation that both my runner directors had. priceless i'm telling you, priceless!
8) The look on JP's face when her best dressed fashion show became a reality :)
9) When kanchana and myself breathe a sigh of relief after all the runners report that all debate has started after every round.
1o) "I don't think I ever saw you resting. In fact, you were holding a walkie-talkie and going around to deal with tournament concerns the whole time. Truly, a humble and exemplary leader! Don't worry, we will probably get to talk more in future tournaments! Seeing how much effort you put into your responsibilities was more than enough"
11) people actually participating in the games we had during break night. and the fact that they enjoyed bowling :) 
12) " i knocked two doors at the same time you know. until my hand also want to break already"
13) Laughing at stupid things in the tabs room in between rounds.
14) Having people dressed in their cultural best during the grand finals night :)

Thank you so much for all your effort lovely people.
Thank you for the support you gave me.
Thank you for all the jokes,and the laughter, and the crazy ideas.
Thank you for being there, thank you for staying.
Thank you so much for making me believe I could do this.
Cheers guys!
Let's go for an amazinggggggg appreciation soon :)