Just a few random thoughts swimming around in my head. Forgive the typos, using a tab is so different.

1. Don't judge. Nevr judge. d girl u see partying all night long may have lost her dad. The manager who scolded u today may have just gotten an earful from his superior. the aunty in shabby clothes may have more money in her account than u'd ever dream to have. take people as blank pieces of paper. don't colour them simply cause u feel like it.

2. it pays to be nice to people. a smile, a kind remark. it goes a long way. even if it doesnt visibly come back to u, at least ull feel better. at least u have made that person's day a smile brighter.

3.working is exhausting. at least working as a promoter is. standing 10 hours a day. faving the fluctuating moods of customers and nosses. the next time i dare open my mouth n say that studying law is hard, someone just remind me if promoting. i really can't imagine the lives if ppl who do this fr a living. mind u, there are.

4. response fr mdo has been good so far. i've another pending research tht is nt complete. 

5. counting inventory is the worst imaginable thing to do.im just convinced those bottles have feet. standing long hours sorta gets easier (slightly) with each passing day.i think ur body gets used to it. m glad its already thursday. i need to go back to work in 20mins. 

cheers! :)