and once again, He tells me nothing is impossible :) thank you Jesus, please help me through the next two days.
and once again, He tells me nothing is impossible :) thank you Jesus, please help me through the next two days.
it's easier to doubt than to believe.
it's easier to give up than to keep going
it's easier to say "I can't" than to say "I'll try"
He's telling me not to take the easier path.
He wants me to be different.
He'll help me through this.


its a miracle tht i'm typing this from home.
i did not have a bus ticket yesterday but the driver helped me out.
its a miracle our fan cleaning services reached the amount we have now.
i thought it would be far less.
its a miracle what shelly told me yesterday.
a week ago i was worried sick about it.
its a miracle that our drama story line was approved,
the lecturer has crazy expectations.
nothing in this world is easy.
yet nothing is impossible.
sometimes it feel likes the ray of sun is never going to shine upon you.
that is when you must sit down in the darkness,
and pray.
i know some of you must be sick and tired of seeing me type about prayers and Jesus and about how awesome He is.
He is.
Praying was the only thing that helped me this far through semester 3.
Me telling the world about His greatness is the least possible thing i can do.
to the members of my drama and business group,
if you are reading this,
we will survive.
" a child know that he has the right to be right, an adult knows that he has the right to be wrong too"
we are ony human.
we can't be perfect all the time.
If we are fearless all the time, how would we know that He is a Provider?
If we are happy all the time, how would we know that He is a Comforter?
If we don't face obstacles, how would we know that He is a Deliverer?
let's just pray that everything would be fine.
work hard,
and pray.
saya kuat
saya kuat
saya kuat
saya kuat
i am a strong girl
i am a strong girl
i am a strong girl
i am a strong girl
这是我第一次用华语写blog post.
之一次, 我就写到这里而已。
Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be men of courage, be strong.
1Corinthians 16 :13
Everytime you feel like giving up, think of the reason you have held on for so long.
good night.

Miracle worker.

and so He does it once again.
a phone call came for fan cleaning right after my long rant to both my parents on the phone.
went to Liza's place to get the stuff.
She surprised me with 30 bucks instead of the expected 8 bucks.
when me n esin reached the house that called us,
we were shocked they wanted all 5 fans to be cleaned.
they praise our work somemore!
smiling like a sot sot person. :D
He gave me the sign that i was looking for.
Thank you Daddy,
i feel loved :)
to everyone reading this,
and He'll listen.
It is us that often give up on Him.
He never gives up on us.

A follow up of my previous post XD

For now,

  1. Drama Script (Again?! XD)
  2. English Presentation
  3. Business presentation
  4. Business Project( super scared about this one)
  5. PLS Individual Assignment
  6. PLS Group Assignment
  7. PGP Individual Assignment.

These are already here! =0,

  1. PGP Group Assignment
  2. Islamic Law Group Assignment
  3. PLS Presentation
  4. Islamic Law Presentation
  5. English Essay
  6. Impromptu Speech

Dear semester 3,
please be good to me.
Especially for the business project.

" I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Begining and the End"
- Revelations 22:13-
i came across this quote while i was randomly surfing the net for motivation.
and it gives me hope.
to think that He is there for me
back to assignments with a silly smile plastered on my face :)
He will make things right,
in His time, not mine.
Dear Jesus,
this is me being whiny and ungrateful.
wait, scratch that.
this is me being fearful and doubtful.
i am worried about the weather during our 3 days sales.
can You even believe that?
of all the things i can be thinking about right now.
You said "peace" and the winds died down.
You have parted the seas for Your people to survive.
You have allowed man to walk on water.
You have turned water into wine.
And here i am doubting You.
I'm sorry.
What i should be doing instead is marvelling in the wonders of your miracles.
How You made me survive 5 years of boarding school.
How You have blessed me with more than i could ask.
How You gave me a perfect family.
How You gave me awesome friends.
How You guided me through each of my presentations and assignments.
How You made things turn out great even when i doubted You.
Thank You Jesus for being there.
Please help me once again understand that with You,
nothing is impossible.
For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand,'Who says to to you , " Do not fear, I will help you".
He has spoken,who i am to fear?
Have a blessed sunday people :)
lots of spamming should be expected.
I am fearful
i need reminder of why i should not be.
With men it is impossible; but to God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26
my desktop background for now.
let's hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.
Miss Jesslyn
He loves me.
He spoils me.
He gives me what i need, and sometimes also what i want.
i am now afraid.
but i trust in Him.
He will make way for me.
He always does. :)
cheers to a better week ahead ppl!
yesterday was like a dream come true.
it was simply magical. :)
i had my drama presentation yesterday.
My group went in with zero expectations.
We just wanted to have fun and do our best,
just to satisfy ourselves and make sure our efforts did not go to waste.
After the endless practices,
repeating the same lines,
doing and redoing the props,
a bit of tears and too much laughter,
a lot of hard work and also slacking, we did it yesterday.
and when teacher commented i felt as if i went to the moon and came back :)
i will write a super detailed post on this later,
its a memory i never want to forget.
As for now,
thank you so very much to,
Boss (Adrian Lee)
Father ( Heah Chee An)
Mother ( Yap Wen Xue)
Miss Jasmine ( Chong Yee Sin)
Mr Charles ( Lim Kuan)
Mr Sam ( Aaron Heng)
it was a pleasure working with you guys.
If we have the chance to perform again,
let's rock the stage!
i think i know now.
yesterday night was a blessing,
a prayer answered.
May today be a better day.
Have fun people!
and thx for your prayers :)
it worked!
it will be a crazy two weeks,
i'll really need your prayers.

Life is.

my English teacher asked us an interesting question today.
She asked,
What is life to you?
I was glad she didn't ask me cause there was no way i could decribe life in one statement.
To me,
Life is a roller coster.,
It goes up and down without warning and leaves you disorientated at times.
Life is like riding a bicycle,
you must move forward in order to keep balance.
Life is like a piano,
both black keys (sad times) and white keys (happy times) have to be played to produce sweet music.
Life is like peeling an onion,
There are so many layers to it and sometimes it makes you cry.
Life is a gamble,
You take the risks and beat the odds,or not.
Life is a journey,
You never know what is coming along.
Life is like a rainbow,
it only appears after the storm
life at the moment,
is tiring.
i'm enjoying it.
i've laughed more than i had in days.
happened to stumble upon this.
for MMU students who are interested to know..

For now,
  1. Drama Script
  2. English Presentation
  3. Business presentation
  4. Business Project
  5. PLS Individual Assignment
  6. PLS Group Assignment
  7. PGP Individual Assignment.

Coming soon,

  1. PGP Group Assignment
  2. Islamic Law Group Assignment
  3. PLS Presentation?
  4. English Essay
  5. Impromptu Speech





I just have this hunch that semester 3 does not like me very much.
Dear Jesus,
Please help me pull through Semester 3.