random musings :)

i know i'm supposed to be prepping for tomorrow's debate motions.
but for some reason,
i just feel sooooooooooooooooooooooo tired.
like very very tired.
like i-don't-really-wanna-face-tomorrow-tired.
and like scared too.
damn jess, since when you have transformed into such a coward?
blergh, i feel like my blog has transformed into a stress-relieving-complaint page.
me no likey :(
i need to take charge of my life.
i need to start standing up for what i believe in.
i need to stop being afraid of being wrong.
i need to start injecting some order into my cluttered life right now.
oh third sem, y u so complicated?
today's midterm was just..
i took one look at the paper and froze for a good 5 minutes.
had absolutely NO idea why the word EPF appeared, several time.
but anyway,
it was okay?
imma get some sleep.
good night lovlies :)

i wish.
oh how i wish.
sometimes i wonder,
is there ever going to be the right one?
good night.
no time to nurse wounded pride.
stand up, move one. :)

well. here's the thing.

I miss home. I miss being surrounded by family. I miss being in that safe bubble where everything goes on hold for a while. A place where i can hide out and block out every other thing. Block out this semester that seems to be steam rolling towards me before I am ready. But lucky me, I am going home tomorrow. :)
Starting on the top is not easy. To boast is not my intention. This is a genuine, pure fear. I think we all need to remind ourselves time and again that its okay to descend a little closer to the ground. To find your footing before taking that next leap again.Only when your feet touches the ground that footprints can be created. There is no shame in trying and failing, there is shame in failing to try.
 I think I have been trying to compensate for the lack of rest for the past few days. Have been sleeping at the earliest possible moments. Gah..
Novice was a thrilling experience. Learning about how I could have improved. Malaysian Debate Open was fun as i got to see some really amazing debaters debate. The debate trip to Singapore was an eye opener indeed. It made me see things in a different light. Like how the Singaporean mentality is so different. They see opportunity in every other thing. So, why not us?
Miracles DO still happen. I got my Labor Law spot. ONLINE, with the correct tutorial group. Who says prayers don't work? Oh, and about earning money. I do have it now, just not in a way i expected it to be. But yeah, still :)
I think i really need to start blogging regularly again.haha, till then. :)