This is the sappy side of me.

As most of you should probably already know,
Jess is a very emotional girl.
She tries to change it, but, oh well.
She's especially emotional when it comes to good byes.
And the funny thing is that this time, it's not even my good bye to say.
It's like an indirect one.
i went back to my high school today.
And it was pretty emotional.
For me at least.

They have grown,
oh how they have grown.
From the kids who barely knew how to carry themselves,
now soon to be scholars, talking about economics and world issues
The same people who once depended on you for advice are now in turn giving them.
Once heartbroken over a breakup, now happy in new relationships. 
Once defiant and almost ignorant students,
Now captains and student leaders.
Once the adiks and the budaks,
now in turn becoming the abangs and kakaks.

Realizing that they are leaving and having a future of their own somehow freaks me out a little.
I can imagine it.
It'll be scholarships, going overseas, meeting cooler new people.
and somehow,
that kicks in my insecure side.
for that moment,i felt so small.
what if they have awesome lives and forget the existence of this one,
very ordinary,somewhat naggy kakak?

omg that makes me feel so sappy.
looking through the old photos.
old conversations playing in my mind.
there used to be a time where opening my locker was such a thrill.
walks from the locker to prep were so amusing.
being in the studio was just paradise.

they are so matured now.
they understand things so much better now.
how did they turn into such adults?
since when problem solving and shouldering responsibilities came to them as second nature?
is there still a role left for me to play?
so very proud.

when my seniors came back and told me i have grown,
that i have changed.
i could not comprehend.
i was just who i was,
just learning as i go along.
now i get it.
i see it in their eyes.
in their choice of words.
in the way the juniors treat them with such respect.
they have taken over my role,
just as i took over the role of my seniors.

what is this that i feel?

remind me,
why were we in such a rush to grow up?
why were you kids in such a rush to grow up?

akak sayang awak semua sangat2.
tak kesah betapa lama akak tak call,
tak kesahlah kalau awak tak balas message.
kalau awak awak nie lupe dekat akak sekalipun,
akk sentiasa doakan awk,
doakan awk sihat,
doakan awk berjaya.
doakan awk sentiasa bahagia.
this goes to each and every one of you.
be good.
and be great.


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