I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing
throughI couldn't see how every sign
pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream
led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart
they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
I think about the years
I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time
I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Every long lost dream
led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart
they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is trueThat God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Now I'm just rollin' home into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
that led me straight to you
i'm currently in love with this song..weird right? with all the jpa hassle and all..the euphoria that it went well..the disappointment from the rejection from the other sponsoring bodies.. and the exhaustion of too long glaring at the computer screen to gprepare fot the interview and sitting among piles and piles of newspapers and Edge magazine..All through those times, this song was playing in my head. like time over and again.
This interview that actually started me thinking.again =p
firstly,my family is the greatest.to ma and pa, thanks for being the awesomest-est parents alive on this planet seriously. I mean which other mum in the world would actually take one day off to discuss with you the possible interview questions? and also cook you those yummy food and go on the net to look up about 1malaysia? mine would. and my dad? haha..he has the patience of buddha i tell you. I ask him about the middle income trap, he explains it in detail and all..after one i hour, if forget half of what he said and asks him to explain he again. Which he did, untill eventually i remembered. Only to forget in panic 20 minutes before the interview =p and my brother? enough said la..eh sai lou, i posted one whole posted specially dedicated to you okay? in short,
anyway, i feel like this song decribes my life.repeat MY LIFE. not my love life okay.
check out this line(s) of lyrics..
every long lost dream
lead me to where you are
others who broke my heart,
they were like northen stars,
pointing me on my way into your loving arms
those hard times really did.back in boarding school, whenever times were hard or things were sucky, i'll just pick up the phone and give my mum or dad a call.It's just such a reflex action. I didn't use to tell them everything, i didn't want them to worry too much. Parents, being parents especially my parents, they will naturally sense the stress or worry in my voice.And i'd tell them what was bothering me, naturally. now that i'm back home, after a lon day at college or after being disappointed by rejected applications, i would just go cuddle up beside my mum. It just feel right. i feel safe.
among others would be my buddies and my kiddos. no matter how far apart we are right now, everytime trouble arises, my first thoughts would be of you guys. Back then, even more. d go curl up on nadia's bed or interrupt sara's studying. Or i'd drop by the studio knowing and hoping that on of thoses rascals wil be there to entertain me. The studion has yet to fail me. There would always be someone in there, as if waiting for my arrival. Even whe its empty, the piano and violion would draw me into their embrace.. bathe me in a sea of calmness or drown me in the loud music of gutarist and drummers jamming.Oh how i miss those days.
Every broken road, has led me straight to every one of you.Thank you for being who you are and helping me to find myself and be who i am today. Every one of you is the small piece that would make my jigsaw complete.
God bless the broken road, that led me straight to you =)
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