hola pe0ple!
i was so tensed up when i heard rum0urs about the results of spm that i actually spent hald the night annoying every0ne on my phonebook list =D haha! one very expensive way of stress relieving but useful all the same =)
i was so tensed up when i heard rum0urs about the results of spm that i actually spent hald the night annoying every0ne on my phonebook list =D haha! one very expensive way of stress relieving but useful all the same =)
but what actually made me find time to tap away on this keyboard was my latin dancing class!! I'm not excatly the best salsa dancer but just dancing helps the worries melt away..
there is simply somthing bout keeping in time with the rhythm, responding to the signals from your partner and simply working it out =)
Dancing is a great way of making new frens!!
My dance instructor actually made us change partners 3 times and that's already 3 new friends made! =)
but really, dancing is n0t the only alternative of smiling again, it works wonders on me but may not be so effective on another..
so my advice people, find out what that stress reliever may be for you..
it may be music, singing,talking(these 3 works well for me too!!) or even cam-whoring!
knowing what helps you allievate stress would really come in handy when you need to make your heart rate fall to a normal pace in a short time!
always make it a point to remember that nothing is ever too big a problem to be solved.
yeah,if u ask my friends and people who know me well,
they'll tell you that i am easily conquered by blind panic! n that is really very true...
but after talking to friends, the tensi0n really dies away..
after all, all the current fears we face would soon be something we laugh at in the future.
the w0rld may seem like it's c0ming to an end..but trust me, g0d won't let us escape s0 easily..He's still has various plans f0r us people..
s0 remember,
whenever God closes a door,
somewhere else he would open a wind0w..
it is because we spend too much time looking at the closed door,
that we fail to see the window..
look towards the sunshine friends,and hapinness would come knocking on your door =)
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